R-V Industries continues to lead as a jacketed vessel and reactor manufacturer in the chemical, petrochemical, food and beverage, and pharmaceutical industries. Of R-V’s 160,000 square feet in house manufacturing, 26,000 square feet of this space is stainless and alloy-only fabrication giving us the capability to eliminate cross-contamination from carbon steel dust. Your equipment arrives from our facility uncontaminated and at its highest level of quality for your critical processes.
Certified in over 400 weld procedures, we continue to invest in weld process technology including a range of manual, semi-automatic and fully automatic welding procedures. Our expert fabricators are versed in the challenges each material type presents and take pride in the highest quality welding possible on the following materials.
> Pressure Vessels Reactors Columns Literature
> Guide to Selecting Metals E-Book.
> Tank and Vessel Surface Enhancement Guide
Jacket Selection Guide”>> Jacket Selection Guide
Chemical Industry Market Manager
Pete Koegel
(610) 273-2457 Ext. 258
Technical Sales
Glenn Smith