An Update on Our Corporate Strength
In contrast to the virus outbreaks across much of the country over the past six months, R-V continues to be blessed with good health resulting from the diligent health and safety protocols we implemented along with support from our partner suppliers and clients. Our team continues to find ways to keep us on a solid foundation while meeting corporate performance targets.
This has been a challenging year for many businesses, and we would like to thank our clients and suppliers for your support and business. Together we have maintained our commitment to supply superior products and services at a competitive price with integrity while keeping everyone safe.
Travel Updates to Supplier and Client Locations
While our travel guidelines are always subject to change based on CDC and state guidelines, our employees have been cleared to resume travel for key client and service visits. Every time our employees leave our headquarters for official business, they are subject to our detailed Sales & Service Travel Protocols outlining safety expectations for overnight stays, car travel, and air travel. This is to protect the safety of our employees, and you, our valued clients and suppliers.
If you would like a visit from R-V team member, please call your R-V contact or email us at
Visiting Our Facilities
When necessary, we are allowing clients, suppliers, inspectors, and service personnel to visit our facilities. As part of your visit, we require advance completion of a COVID screening questionnaire, on-site temperature checks, and masks prior to entering any of our buildings or while in close proximity to others while outdoors. Hand hygiene and social distancing are also practiced throughout our facilities. This is essential to protect our employees and our guests, and ensure we remain open. At this point, we are not able to accept unplanned visitors, so be sure to schedule your visit with an R-V employee for approval before attempting to visit.
To schedule a visit please touch base with your R-V contact or email us at If you are planning to visit, download the COVID-19 Visitor Questionnaire Form and submit it to the R-V personnel you will be visiting.
Update Regarding Governor Wolf’s Stay-At-Home Order
Pennsylvania Governor Wolf issued a “stay-at-home” order effective tonight at 8 p.m. restricting travel for residents in seven counties (Philadelphia, Allegheny, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Monroe and Montgomery). This order does not restrict your travel to and from work at R-V. We are a “Life-Sustaining Business” and exempt from this order. No special paperwork is currently required for you to travel to work. If it later becomes a requirement, we will supply one. While not traveling to and from work you are expected to comply as outlined by the Governor if you live in one of those counties. I know the constant stream of local, state, and federal facts and rumors is stressful and challenging to digest. We will continue to do our best to keep you informed of the facts and how they apply to you. Here are some updates:
A special thanks to our Pandemic Committee. This group has had to support some significant business changes with limited time to interpret and implement various government directives while maintaining their general day-to-day responsibilities.
May all of you and your families stay healthy as we manage these unprecedented challenges together.
Sincerely, Kirk
A Message from Kirk Putt, R-V Industries President
Thank you all for your cooperation as we implemented a lot of changes during the past week to keep everyone safe while continuing to service our clients. Things continue to change on a daily, sometime hourly, basis but the commitment of our company has not wavered.
Pennsylvania Governor Wolf issued an order today mandating the closure of all businesses that are not considered “Life Sustaining” by midnight on March 20.
R-V Industries is considered “Life Sustaining” under the several categories and will remain open. As part of a “Life Sustaining” company allowed to remain open we must practice social distancing and other mitigation actions as defined by the CDC. The steps we implemented last week as part of our COVID-19 Action Plan 3-13-20 comply with the CDC suggestions. For your reference, the CDC recommendations are attached (see page 6).
All of us are learning to live within this new reality of health risks, non-stop media reports, chaotic financial markets, restricted social activities, children attending virtual classes, and no sports. Despite these challenges, you have continued to adapt and make a difference every day serving our clients in critical industries. This is what makes our company and our country great – the will to overcome difficult challenges. To use a boxing analogy, we continue to get off the mat when it would be much easier to lay down and listen to the referee count to ten.
We are blessed to remain open when a lot of small businesses have been forced to close and layoff their employees. The designation of “Life Sustaining” is very fitting because not only are we serving clients actively developing solutions to prevent/treat the COVID-19 virus, we are also the primary income source for hundreds of team members and your families.
Things will continue to get more challenging in our country and our company, but we will do everything in our power to keep you safe and actively employed.
A few parting suggestions: take a deep breath, exercise, enjoy the extra time with your family, and stay in the stock market. “The darkest hour is just before the dawn.” To all employees, you can always call or email me with questions. My phone number is (484)532-6030.
Thank you for your support,
The Pennsylvania Secretary of Health has issued a letter of guidance with regard to Governor Wolf’s recommendation to temporarily close non-essential businesses in Bucks, Chester, Delaware and Montgomery Counties. Here are links for your reference:
Because we are not a business that interacts with the general public as those listed in the recommendation, we are taking the position that we will remain open and follow our current COVID-19 Action Plan. Please take time to read the entire Action Plan below.
The global status of the coronavirus (COVID-19) is evolving daily, and R-V is taking a thoughtful, deliberate approach to the situation. Our thoughts and prayers are with the many families around the world who have been affected by this crisis. We are especially mindful of our own families for whom this issue may be a prominent worry or concern.
We have created a very thorough Pandemic Crisis Plan. This Action Plan is intended to outline key items/activities from that plan. Our team is continually monitoring news reports as well as governmental and health agencies’ communications such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to monitor COVID-19 and is actively working to ensure that the most up-to-date CDC guidance is quickly and accurately disseminated. Below are some key actions to be taken immediately. Updates will be posted on our website and distributed via Swift 911, our emergency contact system.
A concentrated focus on prevention and precautionary measures will continue to help protect our employees:
We encourage you to educate yourself on the topic to avoid unnecessary anxiety. The resources listed below may be helpful in how to best understand and explain the current crisis.
Thank you for your continued cooperation. Be assured we are focused on preventing this virus at our facilities and thoughtfully preparing for various scenarios that promote a healthy workplace.