Delivering a Custom Engineered Functional Specification Package
Key Takeaways

For a premier supplier of prepared foods, R-V Industries was tasked with developing a complete engineering package for an upgraded cooking system. As part of this company’s expansion plans, they needed to create a custom engineered solution and develop a budget for all of the equipment needed to expand their cooking throughput. Each component was mechanically engineered and sized to meet cycle requirements defined by the unique recipe of the end-user. The package scope included:
- Cooking Tank Skid (2 tanks, pumps, piping, valves, and instrumentation)
- Quenching Tank Skid (1 tank, pumps, piping, valves, and instrumentation)
- Chilling Tank Skid (2 tanks, pumps, piping, valves, and instrumentation)
- Product Handling Equipment (7 product baskets, 1 hoist frame, 1 hoist car, 1 lifting bar)

The biggest problem for many food and beverage production companies looking to expand, like this particular customer, is the need for a customized solution to meet throughput processing needs. While there are off the shelf cooking, quenching, and chilling systems, R-V delivered a customized integration plan with equipment mechanical sizing, a functional specification for the equipment, and General Arrangement Drawings all controlled by a PLC with multiple HMIs. In addition to GA Drawings, a complete 3-Dimensional model was delivered to the customer to bring the vision to life.
An additional benefit the customer realized by working with R-V Industries, an engineering and manufacturing company, is the implementation of manufacturability in the design stage. Because of R-V’s 40 years of manufacturing experience, every piece of equipment, designed by our team of 20 engineers and designers, is optimized for efficient and cost-effective manufacturing.